DisInformation Station
A blog for paranoids and the people out to get them.

New World Order Family Circus master archive

As I publish new ones I’ll try to add them here also.

So without further ado, I give you the New World Order Family Circus master archive:


























































The “we’re the good guys” comic above won’t make any sense to you unless you’ve read Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.











Special thanks to Comrade Denny for the two above.


The two above are mine.


Comrade Denny did these too.




3 more installments from Comrade Denny:












40 Responses to “New World Order Family Circus master archive”

  1. New World Order Family Circus master archive…

    So without further ado, I give you the New World Order Family Circus master archive:. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket. Photobucket ……

    • funny but fuck the racist parts. this shit is all jumbled up anyway and presented terribly …….

      • Hey, thanks for the feedback. The “racist” stuff makes me uncomfortable too, and I made up the jokes myself. So I don’t blame you for not liking them. Normally I try not to explain these things too much and just let them speak for themselves, but in this case I’ll make an exception.

        The “joke” in most all of these NWOFC comics is on the crazy conspiracy theorist family members themselves. The racial references are supposed to be anti-racist. The characters in the comics are made out to be crazy neo-nazi survivalist christian fundamentalists. They’re wrong. The joke is on them. In the one with the kids watching Obama on TV and one of them is saying that “Daddy doesn’t believe in Evolution, unless he is talking about how Blacks came from monkeys.” the idea was to point out the stupidity of hypocritical racist thinking: the concept that a religious racist might deny evolution but at they same time borrow ideas from the theory of evolution in the service of their own racist ideology.

        Racists make my skin crawl personally. I never meant to endorse any racist ideas with these comics. Instead they were meant to be a sharp stick in the eye of people with such ideas.

        But like I said, I can understand why they would offend people. They are not very politically correct. And like I said before I usually make zero effort to explain them, so their meaning is left up to the reader.

        I’ve had people get the joke and understand what I was making fun of, and I’ve had conspiracy theorists write me to tell me that they love them too (even though the joke is on them).

        Humor is a subjective thing and the humor in these comics is pretty black humor (no pun intended). Most people probably don’t think they’re funny at all.

        Anyway, thanks again and I hope this explanation helps.

      • Greetings whoever you are…
        As much as I like these cartoons you are an idiot. I would be considered someone that you would label as a ‘crazy conspiracy theroist’ just as you have been programmed to do. If you would have an open mind and actually do some reseach the truth is quite easy to find. there is tons of literature that can reveal the truth. Here’s a place to start if you’re not too busy sucking up all of the lies on TV – http://www.henrymakow.com/. Granted that there are some strange conspiracies out there, that should not deter someone from the subject. I feel sorry for you more than anything due to your inability to see what’s right in front of your face. Enjoy living your life in ignorance and servitude…tool.


      • Let me get this straight. You call me an idiot and a tool, but you want me to help you spread your web link?

        Mellow out man. Its a bunch of comics meant for a laugh. I’m not telling you that your personal bible of conspiracy theories is bullshit, so chill. Or maybe I am. Did I offend you with my silly little cartoons?

        Don’t get your undies in a bunch. Relax. Take a bonghit of that quasi-legal California medical marijuana and do some more “research” for stuff to be shocked and outraged about online.

  2. Thanks Stumblers!

    Give it a “Thumbs Up” before the cease and desist letter arrives.

  3. […] CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for any of the New World Order Family Circus cartoons you… […]

  4. And your point is? Now let me guess:

    Anyone who questions the official story handed to us by the government is a racist neo-Nazi nut who believes giant reptiles control the world and can’t wait to start killing people.

    Does that about sum up your propaganda?

    Then are you are also saying in a round about way that the New World Order, microchip implants for the children, FEMA camp living, royalty, global government, aerial spraying to test biological and chemical weapons, GPS tracking of all individuals, Satanism, the elimination of the Bill of Rights under Patriot Act and Patriot Act II, MK-Ultra, Cremation of Care mock human sacrifice rituals, CIA and NATO ‘strategy of tension’ psyops, Operation Northwoods, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo are all wonderful examples of a loving and benign government?

  5. Did I say ANY of that? Calm down Poindexter.

    This is for entertainment purposes only. Calling it “propaganda” implies I am propagandizing for SOMEBODY… Who would that be?

    This is a parody. Not a secret government Psy-Ops Predictive Programming Propaganda effort.

    Go watch some cartoons.

  6. Sure, it’s propaganda for your view which is identical to the mainstream media view designed to make people like you more stupid than you already are. Doesn’t take much intellect to come up with it either since its already pumped out on a daily basis, including in the cartoons themselves.

    So all it shows is how vacuous and banal your mind is.

    Go watch some more boob-tube and lick some more boots jerkoff.

  7. At least you’re honest about being nothing but disinformation and meaningless noise. That much I gotta hand to you.

  8. Yeah, these cartoons come straight from the mainstream media. You got me.

    You jackasses have such a superiority complex. Everybody is beneath you and your enhanced level of comprehension of reality. Anybody who disagrees with you is brainwashed. Only you and your friends who agree with you know THE TRUTH.

    Meanwhile, your best evidence for the New World Order conspiracy revolves around a little known cancelled Anime cartoon series.

    Battle on Truth Warrior!

  9. Where to the “Not Me” and “Ida Know” ghosts fit into all this? 🙂

  10. I need to work them into a panel or two for sure… maybe they can somehow be responsible of the WTC attacks of 9-11.

  11. Seriously twisted! I love it!

  12. Занимаюсь дизайном и хочу попросить автора texasbuddha.wordpress.com отправить шаьлончик на мой мыил) Готов заплатить…

  13. […] CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for any of the New World Order Family Circus cartoons you… […]

  14. […] CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for any of the New World Order Family Circus cartoons you… Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)New World Order Family CircusNew World Order – Is This The FUTUREBlog Updates 10/6/2008PowerMark Comics […]

  15. NWO cartoons…
    You’re doing it wrong….

    Political, or conspiratorial artworks (if you can even call this post art) are traditionally created in order to broadcast thought provoking commentary through a clever simplistic message. Their purpose is to challenge the viewers traditional view of the world, bring truth to the surface or at the very least imbue a message folks need to hear on humorous edgy designs. Designs which taken at face value might appear flat and blunt, but upon closer inspection reveal a vast funny, interesting, frightening or mind bending message of truth. A message people need to hear.

    All this person did was shit out every conspiracy theory he could think of onto a bunch of already shitty one frame comic strips, that ultimately appear to say nothing more than HEY LOOK WHAT I CAN DO ON THE INTERNET with a side of CONSPIRACY THEORIES ARE FOR MORONS AMIRIGHT. At best I would call this post vapid government sanctioned conspiracy theorist bashing.

  16. Whatever you say Preachy McTalkalot.

    Critics tell people they are “doing it wrong”. Artists do it.

  17. […] CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for any of the New World Order Family Circus cartoons you… […]

  18. Frickin’ sweet! I will be sharing these with Craigslist Rant and Ravers and Politics board sections all over the country!

    F the NWO!


  19. This is all very funny. Just because you’re an unwitting agent of TPB, doesn’t mean you aren’t funny.

    • TPB?… I’m such an unwitting agent that I’ve never even heard of them. Can somebody tell me what that stands for so I can add it to my conspiracy theory lexicon ASAP?

      • The powers that be. I am a theorist, as you say, and agree that we will be ridiculed no matter what lol, so this is the kind of humor that can entertain both sides of these opinions. I know you aren’t like that guy who said people like us should blow a monkey, you’re just using the things you’ve heard about and making Family Circus actually funny. Besides, unless I came down to the comments section, your intentions of swaying opinion are unclear and can be enjoyed by those who feel the need to laught about these dire matters and those who want to stay plugged in and mock. Thanks for your work. 🙂

  20. […] CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for any of the New World Order Family Circus cartoons you… Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)New World Order Family CircusNew World Order Family Circus commemorative 100 posts bonus cartoon and arc…All praise and many many thanks to The Comics Curmudgeon!The Bush Family New World Order […]

  21. Дизайн у Вас интересный, я вот тоже для блога искал – стала прикручивать, а все посты куда то делись. Эээх… буду писать заново

  22. I don’t know If I said it already but …This blog rocks! I gotta say, that I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks, 🙂

    A definite great read..Jim Bean

  23. very funny take on all the mental cases out there. To all that believe in the NWO crap go blow a monkey.

  24. Great Blog!……There’s always something here to make me laugh…Keep doing what ya do 🙂

  25. Came here from the Comics Curmudgeon, where I go by another name. Hilarious stuff. As someone who’s always detested the Family Circus clowns, fifteen thumbs up for choosing THEM for this vivisection.

    • Thanks. I always thought the sickly sweet Christian themes of the Family Circus spun nicely with the wacko fundamentalist far right.

  26. Take two…

    I apologize for being rude but you did hit a nerve. I do not appreciate condescension for having a particular view on the world and I reacted in the most ironic manner possible…lol. A view that has taken a long time and a lot of reading to aquire, not just a few visits to Prison Planet. Another reason I got pissed because ‘conspiracy’ people are trying to help spread the truth and love true freedom. We only want freedom and happiness for all in place of tyranny, in my mind one could be a lot worse. As for the website I referenced, I thought that it might enlighten you and provide some credible information from an intelligent man. It was just to show you that there is definitely a lot of educated people out there with the same views, we’re not the crazies that we are labelled as. We are maginalized for our views that do not fit the status quo. I hope you are well and wish you the best of luck in the future. In the next few years WE are gonna need all the help we can get, and WE all need to stick together. The real (planned) economic crash is at our doorstep. Peace


    • Yeah, well you’re entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to mine. Part of what these cartoons are about is poking fun at a subject whose adherents are typically pretty humorless. Personally I would think that if you choose to hold fringe views you should expect a certain amount of ridicule in the process and develop a thicker skin about it. And let’s face it: Some of the ideas out there are pretty wild and unfounded. When those are mixed in with the ideas that have some basis in truth you get a mess where the credibility of the entire thing is called into question. And that is as it should be in my opinion. Because if folks choose to endorse some flaky ideas then why should I bother to try to separate the wheat from the chafe? It calls a person’s judgement into question if they can’t figure out where logical thought and the realm of possibility leaves off and crazy science fiction and alarmist propaganda picks up.

      So sorry if I offended you, but hey, they’re pretty silly cartoons. If you get bent out of shape about small scale stuff like that then you’d better watch your blood pressure. Life’s too short in my humble opinion to lose too much sleep over stuff that is beyond my control. No Big Brother World Government (real or imagined) holds any sway over my private thoughts. I’m forever free in my mind no matter what anybody tries to sell me. I don’t have to buy it.

      I left your web link in your comment because I don’t care if people want to check it out. I’m not going to try to shut you down. It took too long to load for me to bother with it and what little I did see didn’t strike me as markedly different from the general tone of this sort of material. I saw references to the Illuminati and the Jews. Whatever dude. What I’ve typically found in my own research is that this whole field of “study” is a template for whatever agenda any given group wants to use it for. Got neo-nazi leanings? There’s a conspiracy theory website about the New World Order for that. Fundamentalist Christian? They got you covered. Tea Party activist? Look no further. Wackjob Survivalist Unibomber? I think you get the picture. It can all be tailored to fit what you already want to believe. In that regard it is just like any other political ideology. You look at the world through the lenses of your own bias.

      As for the coming (planned) economic crash. Doomsday scenarios don’t scare me much. Life is a struggle for survival no matter how you slice it. Sometimes it is easier, sometimes it is harder. Conspiracy or no, people suffer tragic losses everyday. They either pick themselves up and dust themselves off or they give up and get run over and forgotten. I somehow doubt that you (the guy getting all upset at some obscure internet parody of The Family Circus) have some kind of inside information about the state of the financial world and some organized plot to screw us all. But if you do, please share so we can cover our asses.

      If you have the answer and it comes out first on my New World Order Family Circus blog posting then I’ll be an internet sensation.

    • I visited your link again and it is hands down the worst, most laughably terrible bunch of crap I’ve read in awhile. I especially enjoyed the article that used a Biblical reference to help argue that women shouldn’t wear blue jeans because it leads to lesbianism. Thanks for the laugh.

  27. I am also one of those people you would label as a “crazy-conspiracy theorist” ..although many of them are more than just theories. However, I did still find humour in many of these cartoons 🙂 haha.

    • Hey. I got nothing against conspiracy theories myself. As you can maybe tell from much of this I have more than a passing interest in the subject. And like you say, some are more than theories. I’m glad you enjoyed the comics.

  28. One of the earliest conspiracy theories and perhaps the granddaddy of them all is the New World Order also known as the One World Government. Its proponents claim that groups like the Freemansons and the Builderbergs use influential and powerful people to change the world. They create entities like the Trilateral Commission and a virtual alphabet soup of acronyms. The UN, the EU, the IMF, the WTO and a half dozen other organizations are supposed pawns in the scheme to subjugate the world through war, intimidation, jingoism and trampling on human rights for the benefit of a select few at the top of the secret hierarchy of world rulers.

  29. So awesome. Thanks for sharing them all in once place!

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