DisInformation Station
A blog for paranoids and the people out to get them.

Archive for the ‘George Bush’ Category

DisInformation Station Official Disclaimer

January 12, 2011

This blog is for entertainment purposes only. It contains jokes, parody, sarcasm, and opinion. It does not contain esoteric truths about mysterious secret conspiracies. Nor does it contain instructions from God telling you to seek out and hurt or kill you enemies.

Long defunct psy-ops blog reactivated by New World Order masters

January 11, 2011

Greetings bitches. It’s been awhile, I know. Hey, get off my case. All this super secret shit and mind control is really time consuming stuff. And the average government shill gets burned out on the gig pretty quickly. How can we be expected to keep up the pace? All the lies and disinformation… It’s exhausting. […]

New World Order Family Circus

May 15, 2009

Comrade Denny resurrects the long dormant favorite recurring feature of this blog with a 2-for-1 double dose of the NWOFC. Thanks Comrade. Also, special thanks to anyone who has ever visited and especially those coming from The Comics Curmudgeon. I couldn’t have done it without you! CLICK HERE to check out the Master Archive for […]

church sign of the day

January 5, 2009

generic update

November 15, 2008

What few regular readers I might have may have noticed I’ve been slacking off recently. Hey what do you want? I’m a busy guy. I try to do what I can. I love my wife. God bless her because she left me a list of the 20 worst beverages as an open window on our […]

riding Cowboy Conservatism right off a cliff

October 21, 2008

So much has been made in recent days and weeks about the election that I don’t really feel much of a need to rehash any of it for you. I’ll just assume that, like me, you are a total political junkie this year and are searching out news and blogs on the subject like it […]

3rd debate postmortem and reader poll

October 16, 2008

So I missed parts of it because I have kids and a life, but I watched most of the 3rd debate between Obama and McCain. I’ve thought all along that Obama has what it takes to do the job, and McCain’s presentation in debate is a tad rusty… Certainly not as smooth as the ice […]

panel finds Palin abused authority!

October 11, 2008

“Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: To get Trooper Michael Wooten fired,” said the report, which was issued in Anchorage. There you have it. The economic meltdown might have killed McCain’s chances, but Palin is the […]

Right Wing Pundits already looking past election

October 10, 2008

Obama maintains an 11 point lead in the new Gallup poll today, and it is starting to look like America will elect the first black president come November. While they might deny it themselves I sense a shift in the vast right wing talk show wasteland. On the surface they continue to advocate for the […]

Stick a fork in McCain. He’s done.

October 9, 2008

The second debate has come and gone, and polls again show Obama the winner. A new Gallup polls has Obama up by 9 points. And before you go dismissing that poll you should check out the poll of polls averages that show Obama ahead as well. As I predicted yesterday before the second debate, so […]